The meaning of life

People have been questioning the meaning of life since at least written memory. When you truly think about it, we as a species just find tasks of various size and difficultly until we must eventually fall asleep. Then we awake, and find a different task before the collapse of exhaustion ensues. Is this what life is, just a short distraction before the guarantee of death. If that is so, do we truly want this out of our lives. Many will claim they do not have enough time, enough time for what? Something else to distract our selves with. Or are we still trying to convince ourselves that their is still something else out there, some greater meaning to our lives. And perhaps there is; one thing’s for sure, those who believe in absolutes only contradict themselves. If any species can find this greater meaning, humanity so far has the best shot. But what will happen when we find it? What if our meaning of life, is to ever inch closer to the true meaning. If we find the said meaning of life, then wouldn’t we lose our meaning of life. What would be the point of living once we know everything, there would be nothing left to discover, to seek. Once we know meaning, we have ascended beyond our meaning of life, beyond humanity. But that day may very well never come, fore we may be too scared to lose the meaning we have withheld for countless generations. We can not discover what we truly are without letting go of who we truly are. Perhaps the meaning of life is to keep life itself, alive.

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